Swing the World is a project born with the aim of entertaining people in a creative way, stimulating them to spend time outside their home walls, having fun outdoors.

The selected locations can be breathtaking panoramas, remote villages or natural attractions.

The swing creates a perfect frame for a fairytale picture.

The swings of Swing the World are suitable for any target, from children of 10 years up to older people, these swings lead our mind to get rid of all thoughts and enjoy the surrounding landscape.

In Indonesia, Bali is also remembered for its characteristic swings, positioned in heavenly spots; aren't small corners of paradise present in every country? 

All that remains is to follow the path of the swings of Swing the World to discover them!

Copyright Swing the World - all rights reserved

Our goals and intentions with the creation of this project are many:

- Give to the youngest to the most adults a carefree, fun and immersive experience

- Let the older ones find their own "child" soul, rediscover those feelings of when we were younger

- Provide experience with regard to ecology

- To discover places and reach points some people didn’t know

- Enjoy this experience with loved ones and share good times

- Through this medium, being able to make people enjoy the environment around them and leave their own walls to go in search of swings!

Why you should choose Swing the World on your own ground and not just a simple swing?

- Handcrafted swings

- Experience in the choice of safe and quality materials, proportionate to the larger dimensions of the swing than the common ones

- Swings installed so that they are durable over time

-Choice of products always with attention and respect for ecology

- Marketing and advertising on all social channels

- Video material and photos of the swing and the area (drone footage and exclusive fpv drone videos included!)

Swing the World is a project born with the aim of entertaining people in a creative way, stimulating them to spend time outside their 

home walls, having fun outdoors.

The selected locations can be breathtaking panoramas, 

remote villages or natural attractions.

The swing creates a perfect frame for a fairytale picture.

The swings of Swing the World are suitable for any target, from children of 10 years up to older people, these swings lead our mind to get rid of all thoughts and enjoy the surrounding landscape.

In Indonesia, Bali is also remembered for its characteristic swings, positioned in heavenly spots; aren't small corners of paradise present in every country? All that remains is to follow the path of the swings of Swing the World to discover them!

Losone, Ticino CH


Visual communication/graphics, videomaker and photographer

Video and photo, nature, travel


Lionza, Ticino CH


Mechanical designer, videomaker and photographer

Extreme sports, video and photo, travel


Lionza, Ticino CH


mechanical designer, videomaker and photographer

extreme sports, video, photo, nature, travel


Our goals and intentions with the creation of this project are many:

- Give to the youngest to the most adults a carefree, fun and immersive experience

- Let the older ones find their own "child" soul, rediscover those feelings of when we were younger

- Provide experience with regard to ecology

- To discover places and reach points some people didn’t know

- Enjoy this experience with loved ones and share good times

- Through this medium, being able to make people enjoy the environment around them and leave their own walls to go in search of swings!

Why you should choose Swing the World on your own ground and not just a swing?

- Handcrafted swings

- Experience in the choice of safe and quality materials, proportionate to the larger dimensions of the swing than the common ones

- Swings installed so that they are durable over time

-Choice of products always with attention and respect for ecology

- Marketing and advertising on all social channels

- Video material and photos of the swing and the area (drone footage and exclusive fpv drone videos included!)

Our swings are made 100% artigianal. The wood we use is Robinia, one of the strongest woods you can find.
Fabio cuts the trunk in half, smoothes it roughly on the upper part to remove possible splinters.
Then he makes the holes, 2 on each side to have more stability. 

Elisa then engraves by hand the name “@_swingtheworld_” and the hashtag “ #swingtheworld”.

To finish we then treat the swing with an impregnating agent and the paint.

Our signs are made by a laser machine with the best precision possible to keep a good quality to the text.
The wood we choosed is larch. The corners of the sign are rounded to be more secure .
Like the swing we treat the sign with an impregnating agent and the paint. 

Our rope is made from a high quality Swiss company! We collaborate with them to offer the best rope in terms of quality, security and sustainability.
The size is 18mm, the perfect size to be hold when sit.
It is in polypropylene with a steel core to be indestructible. It is perfect for resisting external conditions (UV rays, rain, snow, etc ...).
The chosen color is a beige that incorporates the tint of the hemp ropes, so as to seem, at least aesthetically, a natural rope.

As Fabio is a mechanical designer we conceived and designed 2 types of components. One for the structures and the other one for the trees. 

As the security is the most important thing both our components are in stainless steel and we created them to hold tons of weight.

We also designed our own components to regulate the swings with our logo on it.

The component has the right size for our type of rope, it is made to regulate the height of the swings so in all the seasons the swing has the right height from the ground.

We have other materials to fix our fixing components. We collaborate with Spanset Schweiz for the lashing straps that we always use with two types of protections for the trees. Not just security for us is important bus also ecology.

To protect the rope and for any other components we use stainless steel to be sure that the material can be durable over time.

Losone, Ticino CH


visual communication/graphics, videomaker and photographer

video, photo, graphics, drawing, nature, travel


Our swings are made 100% artigianal. The wood we use is Robinia, one of the strongest woods you can find.
Fabio cuts the trunk in half, smoothes it roughly on the upper part to remove possible splinters.
Then he makes the holes, 2 on each side to have more stability. 

Elisa then engraves by hand the name “@_swingtheworld_” and the hashtag “ #swingtheworld”.

To finish we then treat the swing with an impregnating agent and the paint.

Our signs are made by a laser machine with the best precision possible to keep a good quality to the text.
The wood we choosed is larch. The corners of the sign are rounded to be more secure .
Like the swing we treat the sign with an impregnating agent and the paint. 

Our rope is made from a high quality Swiss company! We collaborate with them to offer the best rope in terms of quality, security and sustainability.
The size is 18mm, the perfect size to be hold when sit.
It is in polypropylene with a steel core to be indestructible. It is perfect for resisting external conditions (UV rays, rain, snow, etc ...).
The chosen color is a beige that incorporates the tint of the hemp ropes, so as to seem, at least aesthetically, a natural rope.

As Fabio is a mechanical designer we conceived and designed 2 types of components. One for the structures and the other one for the trees. 

As the security is the most important thing both our components are in stainless steel and we created them to hold tons of weight.

We also designed our own components to regulate the swings with our logo on it.

The component has the right size for our type of rope, it is made to regulate the height of the swings so in all the seasons the swing has the right height from the ground.

We have other materials to fix our fixing components. We collaborate with Spanset Schweiz for the lashing straps that we always use with two types of protections for the trees. Not just security for us is important bus also ecology.

To protect the rope and for any other components we use stainless steel to be sure that the material can be durable over time.

Copyright Swing the World - all rights reserved

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